Thursday, 6 March 2014


Question 2 - 

Why are media products that represent outsider, such as vampire films, so popular? 

Within both media text their are use of outsiders, in both cases this is vampires. Vampires are popular amongst audiences, is that they don't fit into society. 
Vampire film are popular amongst the audience as they are shown as being different. An example of this is let the right one in the trailer attracts th audience aswell as eclipse as they both have characters that are seen as being outsiders. The audience are attracted to this as they are apples to it it's the auidnces pleasure. 
Vampires have their own personal identity which is said by Blummer as their is a diversion in the eclipse trailer.
Outsiders are people that don't fit in their are many stereotypes for that don't fot in. For example Doctor Who this can relate to both the media text as Doctor Who is seen as mysterious amoungst audiences. Outsiders are seen as being different from other people in society. 
An example of normal society and outsider that are interacting together is the vampire dairies. The vampire dairies contain normal people and then vampires, the vampires have been presented in the stereotypical way audience believe vampires to be. 
Vampires are seen to have more power which is said my Dyer. 

Question 3 - 
I think having an official and unofficial website do contribute to a film box office success. For example the eclipse trailer comes from the relight saga that have already been published as book. This means that audiences already know what is expected as they have read the books. This also mean that thee loose already have a fan base 

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